Open purchase orders
Open purchase orders is a report where you can see all your items that are not received yet. The status of those purchase orders is ‘entered’. You can find this report in the purchasing module.
This report is grouped by items, which gives you the ability to see all the Purchase orders that have the same item on them.
Visible columns are:
Document number (purchase order number)
Date and time of created PO
Unit of measure (UOM)
Expected date (this date moves forward if you populate the ‘shipping days’ field in the product)
Purchase price
Purchase amount
And you can add more columns with more option:
Key – Warehouse
All columns can be grouped and filtered in order to create custom reports, which can be later printed, saved to PDF, exported to xls, emailed or saved to your G-drive.
Once you receive the items on the purchase orders by generating a goods received note, they will be removed from the list, and only the ones that are not received yet will still be on the report.
Last updated