Stock Adjustment
Stock adjustment is used to bring stock record into agreement with the findings of actual physical inventory.
You can create a stock adjustment by going to:
When you start choosing the products from the drop-down menu in the item section you will see that the 'old quantity' column will be automatically populated.
To adjust the quantity records to the actual inventory count is to fill the decrease/increase column and the system will recalculate the new quantity column, or you can directly fill out the new quantity column with the quantity levels you have in your stock.
Once you save the document you have created, the green glowing stock adjustment button will appear on the right-hand side of our screen.
When you click on the 'stock adjustment' button, you will get a tag 'completed' and the changes you have made will be reflected in your stock.
Now, when you open the stock card of the product, you will see that the stock adjustment document has been formed and that the stock adjustment has been made.
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