
General information for working with QuickBooks

  1. The user needs to have his own QuickBooks account created.

  2. The QuickBooks company that the user wants to connect with ERPAG needs to be created as any country supported by QuickBooks Online.

  3. The QuickBooks company needs to track inventory as well (it needs to have a possibility of creating an Inventory item)

  4. During the synchronization ERPAG sends the next data into QuickBooks and next ERPAG documents:

    a. Items

    b. Sales Order

    c. Purchase Order

    d. Work Order

    e. Utility Bill

    f. Stock Adjustment

    g. Landing Cost

  5. For the tax calculation in the Sales Order document (QuickBooks document Invoice) to be correct, in ERPAG, the customer address (Bill to address) and Ship To address in the Sales Order needs to be entered correctly.

  6. Sending data to QuickBooks will be possible only when the documents are marked as Invoiced.

Connecting ERPAG and QuickBooks Online

To set up the integration, go to:

Administration > QuickBooks

In the current version, only documents can be sent to QuickBooks Online.

Setting up the items

When you are creating or editing an item, it is necessary to specify QuickBooks Online accounts. (Note - product synchronization is always over SKU).

Sending out documents to QuickBooks

In order to be sent to QuickBooks, the documents have to be invoiced. ERPAG is sending only invoiced sales orders and supplier invoices.

Synchronization is not done automatically when you enter a document, it's required for the operator to click the synchronization button by going to:

Accounting > QuickBooks - Synchronization

When the form opens, all documents that can be sent are displayed, as well as the type of document that will be created in QuickBooks Online.

Through the bulk action, we will determine which documents will be sent to QuickBooks Online (e.g. we will only send documents from the previous month).

Received and invoiced purchase order, for example, will become Bill in QuickBooks Online.

Which has its own transaction journal.

Last updated